Notifications stuck on non-existing users due to follow plugin


My users are reporting an issue where they will keep getting the same notification for new posts. I’ve tracked it back to a non-existing user, and it seems Sidekiq keeps retrying these notifications which results in the these people getting the notification multiple times.

I have killed these retries in the past, but they’ll resurface after a while. Shouldn’t they just ‘give up’ and not retry?


This is odd for sure. Can you sweep the DB searching for user_id 44269, maybe when we nuke the user record we left it around in some tables and this is triggering the issue.

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‘Sweep’? Is there a quick way to do that, or do I need to inspect every table separately?

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You would need a script for it. I would start though by looking at topic_users

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Done; it returns nothing. Any other tables that could trigger this?

select *
from topic_users
where user_id = 44269
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Very weird… maybe the user is watching all posts … had mailing list mode enabled and now has orphan records for watching stuff.

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I looked in the Data Explorer but can’t find anything relevant. Do you have other suggestions where I can look?

I’m traveling this week, but when I’m back I can download a DB dump and do a search for this value too, I suppose.


Do you have any third party plugins installed?

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Yes, a few. But I’ll dive into the database first before disabling anything on my production box.

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I think I tracked this down to the Follow plugin.

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