On mobile, How to insert the user's username, placed next to the avatar on the home page?

on mobile, In this image, there is a name and Username. I hope you guys can give technical instructions on how to place the username next to the avatar on the home page?

thank you

That’s twitter?.. But I asume you mean the prioritize username in ux site setting?


I mean, on the discourse homepage, how to put the username to the right of the avatar?

You are looking for this setting: prioritize username in ux

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I think @hoangviet wants to add this to topic list item. It depends on the theme you use. It is possible with override the template. Can you share a mockup?

That’s right, I want to add it to the topic list on the homepage. When there is an avatar + username. Discourse’s default theme is an effective theme, I want to add a username to the right of the avatar for the default theme.