OneBox fails for - crawl blocked?

What should I ask of a site that disallows OneBox crawls?

Attempts to OneBox for book listings result in: “Sorry, we were unable to generate a preview for this web page, because the following oEmbed / OpenGraph tags could not be found: description, image” – despite the required OG tags being present on the destination page.

(At time of posting, the result here on meta is the same as my site):

OG details

The og tags do exist on the page:

I’ve tried several OpenGraph validators:

  • most report the URL unreachable.
  • a couple of them retrieve a few OG fields from, but nothing specific to the requested page.
  • the iFramely debugger and the Facebook Sharing Debugger manage a full preview.

I’m gathering that is rejecting some crawls. I’d rather not introduce a plugin workaround if there’s something appropriate I might ask to do, e.g. “Please allow the Discourse user agent to crawl?”

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Cloudflare is blocking onebox from reaching the site.

Please relax you bot protection rule to allow Discourse Onebox ?


Thanks for confirming! I’ll ask them.

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