"Only Show Overridden" option in admin not working

The “Only Show Overridden” toggle in the top right of the admin settings dashboard (https:/my-group.discourse.group/admin/site_settings/category/required) is not filtering the settings that were overridden. This has previously worked for me in the same discourse instance. Any ideas what might be up?


I can reproduce this on my community. Nice catch!

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Hello and welcome @jb12 :slight_smile:

I think I’m seeing a similar thing, and I also get this error in the console:

Uncaught TypeError: e is null
    performSearch admin-site-settings.js:48
    filterContentNow admin-site-settings.js:103
    filterContent admin-site-settings.js:119
    invoke queue.ts:203
    flush queue.ts:98
    flush deferred-action-queues.ts:75
    _end index.ts:616
    end index.ts:298
    _runExpiredTimers index.ts:739
    setTimeout handler*setTimeout platform.ts:50
    _installTimerTimeout index.ts:783
    _reinstallTimerTimeout index.ts:769
    _later index.ts:695
    debounce index.ts:520
    E Ember
    default debounce.js:28
    a decorators.js:81
    optsChanged admin-site-settings.js:112
    Ember 2
    invoke queue.ts:201
    flush queue.ts:98
    flush deferred-action-queues.ts:75
    _end index.ts:616
    _boundAutorunEnd index.ts:257
    promise callback*n/< platform.ts:28
    flush Ember
    _scheduleAutorun index.ts:803
    _end index.ts:623
    _boundAutorunEnd index.ts:257
    promise callback*n/< platform.ts:28
    flush Ember
    _scheduleAutorun index.ts:803
    _end index.ts:623
    _boundAutorunEnd index.ts:257
    promise callback*n/< platform.ts:28
    flush Ember
    _scheduleAutorun index.ts:803
    _ensureInstance index.ts:791
    ensureInstance index.ts:579
    scheduleRevalidate Ember
    dirtyTag validator.js:411
    R validator.js:486
    Ember 3
    o reference.js:180
    g reference.js:148
    Ember 4

Let me see if I can get someone to take a look. :eyes: :+1:


yes definitely repro’d it on my forum too. same error.

nice catch @jb12 and welcome to Meta :wave: a bug report is a great first post :grin:

that has to be a recent regression because i was using that setting within this past last week at least.


Interesting extra tidbit… it seems to work okay if you type something into the search box, and then also works after without anything in the box too.

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Thanks for the report! Fixed in FIX: Toggling overridden settings broke in #21572 by CvX · Pull Request #22831 · discourse/discourse · GitHub


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