“Oops! That page doesn’t exist.” Pls HELP 🙏🏼

Please help I am trying to get my route to work it. What am I doing wrong? Is it my filing structure? It wont change the page to my H1 it just says “Oops! That page doesn’t exist.” I am logged in as a admin too.
I followed this link and looked for answers, but I can’t seem to find any help. Thank you for your time!

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It’s hard to debug from a screenshot, but it looks like you’re naming your route show instead of challenge-details.

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Yeah, I tried that yesterday too, but still said the oops thing, but if I go to challenge-details.json it will show my hash just fine. I think it’s not reading my hbs file. I am so new to discourse sorry if I explain it wrong. :confused:

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My best advice is to start with an existing plugin of ours that closely matches what you want to do, and strip it down until it’s working for you. Otherwise it can unfortuantely be tricky to debug.


I figured it out! \:grin:/