Opened keyboard on a modal inputs it jumps to the top of the page on mobile

Hello :wave:

When I open the keyboard on a modal input this will jumps the page to the top.

Android 10; CLT-L29 Build/HUAWEICLT-L29
Chrome 123.0.6312.80

Thank you :slightly_smiling_face:


I have similar issue in various spots like here if I shrink the keyboard to use search

With keyboard closed

With keyboard open search input is blind

keyboard will also block/cover up the form template editor and a few other spots.

There is another topic about that Android keyboard overlaps/interferes text edit fields

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Yeah I see we have a couple topics on this issue. With oldest I think from March 22?

Don’s theme component doesn’t fix it in the form-templates

I think the issue in this topic is not about the keyboard covering something, but about you being taken to the top of a topic (list) when you use a modal.

They look like they might be at least in part related in some way maybe?

At least going by the video.