OpenID Connect extension not match by email

Hello, please help me)
When using the OpenID Connect extension for Discourse, we encountered an issue with linking existing users’ accounts through OpenID Connect, despite the accounts having identical email addresses. Attempting to log in to the system via OpenID Connect works smoothly for new users: they successfully authenticate and gain immediate access to their account without needing to fill out the “Let’s create your account” popup form.

However, when an existing Discourse user tries to log in via OpenID Connect, the system behaves as if they were a new user and prompts them to fill out the registration form in the “Let’s create your account” popup, with some data automatically filled in, including the email address. But when trying to complete account creation, the user encounters an error: “Primary email has already been taken” and “Please enter a valid email address”, indicating that the email address is already in use by an existing account. As a result, existing users cannot link their account with their OpenID Connect data based on email address.


I have the same issue and I am wondering how to fix this.