Option to publish posts to Discourse not showing up

I was able to install the WPDiscourse plugin and I was able to establish a connection via the API but I do not see the option to publish to Discourse when writing posts. I am looking for some indication in the commenting section of the post editor but it does not exist. This basic ability to link wordpress posts to Discourse topics is essential for our adoption of Discourse. Any and all assistance would be greatly appreciated. I am including some screen shots for general troubleshooting. Thank you in advance.

As a new user, I am limited to one media embed… but I can follow up with further showing that the wpdiscourse plugin is installed, the connection established, and the supposedly correct plugin options are selected.

Here’s some additional photos of the setup:

Ok, this is partially self-answered…. I found the menu option in the right hand column of the block editor…. “Discourse”….

Now, I need to figure out if/how to get the photo to publish and also for the Discourse comments to show up in the wordpress post. Can anyone point me to info about the comments portion of the template and how to problem solve them not showing up in one’s theme?

Hey Max, please have a read of the WP Discourse plugin installation and setup. In particular the “Commenting Settings” section.

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