Page loads hung / infinite load

Since installation (standard supported Docker install) I’ve been running into frequent failures to load a page. The page retains the header and side menu, but the content area sits blank with just the loading spinner. It can be almost any page on the site, and this occurs for staff and regular user accounts.

I’m running on a small Vultr VPS with 1 CPU, 1G RAM, 25G storage.

I considered upgrading the server, but everything I know how to check indicates that the server is doing fine and not stressing about any processes. Most page loads are very snappy—until they’re not. The site is very lightly loaded – at the moment it’s only me with a couple of admin and proxy user accounts doing testing.

Network inspector loads up with this error:

status: Blocked
method: POST
file: poll
Type: plain

Values for error copied from network inspector:


post data:

request headers:
POST /message-bus/2a2b05873f644fd9b2254693db4646de/poll HTTP/2
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/118.0
Accept: text/plain, /; q=0.01
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 551
Referer: TASAT Forum
X-CSRF-Token: c3vlCihnvRDb8uDtHY3OBhq0k8eb1mVDVuCoU87sL2OQ2EzZtDuNbOLRWFPCVpokNTo6ZZOImMVjAJgo_fu0EQ
Discourse-Present: true
X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest
DNT: 1
Sec-Fetch-Dest: empty
Sec-Fetch-Mode: cors
Sec-Fetch-Site: same-origin
Sec-GPC: 1
Connection: keep-alive
Cookie: _t=r3wkoiXFGHmGtbJIBrElWsMy2WtBuBr%2FpnHG89wdRBKA8eDq%2FYEVMnkFFA%2BtqXfQaNxQSj1s8qXDPvlVk6gIHxw6ppMatqmJCqEcXMTMqTsI5EXsvstxN5I5IWdHMx98J6n4da1RCOyPxOju1xPDeFBwCAecQwRveyaOwQKFdLCnK1j8t9eBBjlmCjM3931S0Kb8e%2BQ%2BKjznv1632d0BhHg%2BWEkvW%2BkQ81gG8SA8fbF%2B11lWeWuZCmH53nzHrhKF4YJDVpRyOrY4xvJ9–QjuuW9V8YIC%2BLSRA–ey1h8L6FGCwbJxPFazkmYQ%3D%3D; _forum_session=0P4d0csoW4J5ph0axRAPJPsk8XTS74hHPUfbLpK2SvJZy%2BJVN4knmGIL6ksuGB4oIOOse2yTJno1jcfNG1Z098YOdugFGTJLiutyGQQM1mi7owG48d9AaXc5KuXKJSK6yTS%2Bj7IkRW2%2F0izK50KTWMWqROJN0uQUHT31dIChZYyheFNiTOl1SA3D5yM2VsRfbilBSw41yXCYqnq9VTcBCtwtYX8bMppY51ieFJ0miQfVzO3hDk%2FcxNVSB1vJqsNDC67epFRtXCkJIeiSFf0%2BCojh1S5OyAK8qOSmJc0X02qdERtp%2BMqcIEdDL1vL4bPbqeqq%2FREN8gdneECJ9d%2BJz1KwDoT%2FAPCPko5KzUYlyXv%2F0vn6301oMnKffydi9A%3D%3D–51ty0igjchY0JqWz–8uSiBCn0KfGq%2F2ggUa1lHQ%3D%3D

response headers:
HTTP/2 200
server: nginx
date: Fri, 13 Oct 2023 01:54:33 GMT
content-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
cache-control: must-revalidate, private, max-age=0
pragma: no-cache
expires: 0
access-control-allow-methods: GET, POST
access-control-allow-headers: X-SILENCE-LOGGER, X-Shared-Session-Key, Dont-Chunk, Discourse-Present
access-control-max-age: 7200
x-content-type-options: nosniff
X-Firefox-Spdy: h2



What could be causing these stalls?

This question hasn’t received any attention, so maybe it’s a real oddball.

Since posting, I’ve experienced the same behavior—stalled page load—right here on Meta, which is no doubt running an optimal setup.

This happened when browsing on both my desktop and my phone. When it occurred on the phone, I switched it from wifi to LTE and the page instantly finished loading.

All this has me thinking it’s an issue with my own internet config/connection. Though it’s puzzling that it only happens with Discourse sites.

I’d still be interested to hear if anyone has seen something similar, or has general troubleshooting advice.


Looping back to this after monitoring for a while…

The page-load-stalling behavior appears to be unique to Firefox. It feels like a JS timeout happens in FF when the loading gauge is about 90%. A hard page refresh always works, but of course loses any form contents.

I’d prefer to use Firefox, but I’ve had to revert to Chromium browsers to avoid the issue, both on my own forum and others – including Meta.

Does this still occur in a private window, just to rule out any browser extensions?

I’ve been running in a private window with no plugins for a couple of days, and yes, it does still happen.

Can you share your site URL?

My site is, but I’m seeing the same behavior here on Meta, and on

I can’t pin down anything that consistently precedes a stall, but it seems to be when switching to a significantly different part of a site, e.g. from a topic to admin screen, or to search results.

(Another example was the first time I tried to save this reply. It just spun and spun until I refreshed the page and started over.)

Also: this has now been consistent in Firefox on Windows, Linux, and iOS.

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