[PAID] Custom header and Fishbowl-like profiles

What would you like done?
I would like to use discourse similarly to the old Fishbowl/new Glassdoor Community. This will be hosted by discourse but accessed through our website via subdomain (community.ourwebsite.com).

Ideally, users’ job titles (or industry categories, ie: Apparel, Accessories, Footwear, Retail, Textiles, Home Fashion) would be listed instead of their name so that people can have public conversations but protect their anonymity.

We will need the forum to look like it is part of our website, stylistically. I don’t know if that would be a custom header or not? CSS sheets?

We want this forum to be accessible to the public and to be indexed with the major search engines. Posting privileges would only be through users who have accounts and who are logged into them.

If possible (not required), we’d like users who have profiles on our site to be automatically given a profile in the forum.

When do you need it done?
We’d like to have this completed in 90 days.

What is your budget, in $ USD that you can offer for this task?
We have $$$ budgeted for this project but prefer not to disclose at this time.

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I sent a PM. :slight_smile:

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