Our homeowner association uses Discourse for community dialog and we want to hire someone that can perform a few changes to our configuration. At the moment, Discourse is installed on the root domain and we would now like to create a landing page for our website on the root domain and have Discourse moved to a sub-domain.
It’s important these changes be implemented with minimal disruption.
Current Configuration
- Amazon EC2 instance used for hosting
- sunrisepoint.org and www.sunrisepoint.org both point to Discourse
- HTTPS configuration:
- Incoming email configuration:
- Uploaded content stored in an Amazon S3 bucket
- Daily backups stored in an Amazon S3 bucket
- Login with Google, Twitter, Facebook and Github enabled
Desired Configuration
- sunrisepoint.org and www.sunrisepoint.org now point to a static landing page
- Discourse moved to meta.sunrisepoint.org
- Incoming email works the same as before
- Everything remains hosted on a single Amazon EC2 instance
- Amazon S3 bucket services continue
- HTTPS is enabled everywhere
- Login with Google, Twitter, Facebook, GitHub and Yahoo! linked to new sunrisepoint accounts instead of my personal accounts
- Ability to create @sunrisepoint.org email addresses in the future
If you are capable of performing these changes, please send me a private email with your price and estimated time to complete.
If you require additional information please reply to this thread and I will update the post accordingly.
I’m not sure what the industry rate is for these types of services, however, my assumption is that an experienced Discourse / server admin could accomplish these tasks in 2-3 hours.