Migrate discourse from main domain --> subdomain

Hello, I have looked at various articles about this topic, but some are over 4 or 5 years old and not sure they still apply.

I simply want to move my discourse to a subdomain, after finding out it would not work to have it on the main domain. What is the quickest, easiest solution?

It currently sits on an AWS ec3 instance, with no s3 or anything connected. It is setup on AWS route 53 with an elastic ip, but that shouldn’t matter. Other than reconfigure the email settings, which are with Brevo.

Much appreciated.


If the site’s been up for long, I’d recommend that you spin up a new EC2 with an up-to-date OS. Also you’ll need something to redirect the old domain to the new one; here’s how to make it work if the apex domain and the subdomain both point to discourse: Set up Let’s Encrypt with multiple domains / redirects


I’m curious about what fatal problem you have run into. I’ve run self-hosted instances both ways, and quite like running it on the main domain for simplicity reasons - and have done without obvious issues.

There are a few posts / topics on meta.discourse.org warning you off doing so, but to my relatively uneducated eye these appear to be based on dogma/theory rather than real world issues. Perhaps I’ve just been lucky.

Thank you @nathank, the main issue is having some sort of other landing page that has a little bit more functionality than the landing pages plugin offers, but less than a full on wordpress or other platform. The purpose of the page(s) would be to introduce and possibly sell other digital products and services, like an ecommerce option. Ideally I would like to have all of that included in the community organically somehow, but it’s hard to see how to build that with the existing plugins / setup of discourse. Discourse is setup for typical forums purposes, and perhaps its just beyond the scope of what it is setup to do.

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