[PAID] Discourse installation and support

What would you like done?
Install Discourse in a cloud provider. Our preference is GCP, but is not a requirement.

When do you need it done?
Within a few weeks.

What is your budget, in $ USD that you can offer for this task?
I feel we will be a somewhat demanding customer during the first months while we try different plugins and themes, but once we are settled, I can imagine that the workload will decrease significantly. Therefore, I would be open to pay on an hourly basis during the initial months, and switch later to a monthly flat fee.


I’ll be happy to help. I’ve done a couple of GCP Kubernetes deployments recently, though I don’t necessarily recommend that if you’re not sure you’re going to need it.

I’ve got a range of installation packages at https://www.literatecomputing.com/discourse-install/ but am happy to do whatever else you might need. You can contact jay@literatecomputing.com.


Thanks for your reply! I’ll have a look at your installation packages.


Jay does great work!


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