Well, I can’t update OP but then we can post the plugin finished, so I update that thread here because there are interested people
What’s the plugin do
Grants points to users that fits with some requirements. It was thinked to complement badges, not for replace them.
I think there are a lot of badges and they lose their motivation function, so Point System bring that to us.
If for example our dev @Ahmed_Gagan post in #some-category (moderators needs to aprove every thread in that section), he wins X points.
The same applies if he becomes the most reactioned user in month and some more actioins (Github).
Why that?
We have a good rate of signups but not a good rate of topics/replies unless we do internal contest (if you post good threads, you win).
Our rules are very flexible: no spam, no violence and we are very receptive, so I think that some plus of motivation could push up the interaction in our community by design.
The plugins wants to motivate people to share they experience. I think that every lvl 1 user can contribute on every community in the world.
There is no expertise needed for share experiences, points of views or just ask good questions.
Screenshots (in development stage)
Reward Badges icons will be SVG to fit our style-branding but could be FA icons as well with some edit in code.
We want to display that points:
Development done [very slowly at the moment]
- New actions to be granted (new custom badges)
In development
- Add three stages for every action: bronze, silver and gold (to keep all the community motivated and not only new users).
- Display points in user card and profile like screenshots shows.
- Rewards page to claim by users and private for staff.
More ideas that can be developed
- Possibility to choose what reactions count for ‘top liked’ (not minus in
reactions but not count that one).
- A good styled listing of winners with slider like dashboard to filter time, a kind of Awards page.
The plugin would be open source and I like to know what do you think about it. There is a lot of space to improve it