Discourse Reactions

:discourse2: Summary Discourse Reactions allows users to React to a post from a choice of emojis, rather than only the Like heart. The available emoji selection can be set from the admin settings.
:hammer_and_wrench: Repository Link https://github.com/discourse/discourse-reactions
:open_book: Install Guide How to install plugins in Discourse

Bored of likes in discourse? Hereā€™s something you will definitely love.


Discourse-reactions is a plugin that allows user to add their reactions to the post. This plugin can engage more audiences to the post. Users who may not have previously wanted to Like your content are now able to send more specific signals about how your content makes them feel. Users who may not have wanted to use their phones to post can now use them to ā€œreactā€ much easier.

Reactions can be different on each website as we have an amazing feature where site admin can set their list of emojis which can be used as reactions.

To customize the reactions use the site setting discourse_reactions_enabled_reactions and define emojis you want as reactions separated by | eg: open_mouth|cry|angry

This plugin will work as an add-on to the likes feature, anytime you want to remove the plugin, all likes will be preserved.


You can configure these Site Settings:

  • discourse_reactions_enabled To enable the plugin
  • discourse_reactions_enabled_reactions To define the list of enabled reactions, any emoji is allowed here. default: laughing|open_mouth|cry|angry|thumbsup|thumbsdown
  • discourse_reactions_like_icon To replace the like icon.
  • discourse_reactions_reaction_for_like To define the name of like reaction.

Creating a reaction

The reaction can be created either by clicking the like icon OR by hovering and selecting reaction from the reaction picker.


  • In Mobile to open the reaction-panel long press on like icon.

See who reacted?

On the left side of the post, there will be a list of reactions, by clicking on it, there will be a modal displayed with the list of reactions.

If there are only likes in the post, a list of reactions will not be available but there will be a like-count besides the like button. clicking on it will display the same modal.

Donā€™t want to see this whole modal? Just hover on the reaction-emoji in the list to see the recently reacted users (Available Only on the desktop site).

See Your reactions?

In the user page activity, there is an extra Reactions tab where you will find all reactions you made.

See who reacted to your post?

In the user page notifications, there is an extra Reactions tab where you will find all reactions made to your posts.


First Reaction Badge is granted to the user when they make their first reaction to a post.




Special Thanks

Special thanks to @joffreyjaffeux for being such a nice mentor and for being super helpful in everything :open_hands: and @team for helping us to make the plugin work perfectly by finding as many bugs as possible.

Last edited by @selase 2025-01-03T16:58:55Z

Check documentPerform check on document:

A post was split to a new topic: Is it possible to configure reactions to stay in one place?

about.json error while trying to install


This is a plugin. You cannot install plugins like themes and theme components.


Is this compatible with the Gamification plugin?

1 Like

Of course. Meta has both, and they work fine. Are they not in your forum?


Hi @haydenjames - i know your forum isnā€™t using either of these, but yes they are compatible. here is some info about reaction as likes, which affects gamification scoring too.


For some odd reason, I have the plugin Discourse Reactions installed and enabled but my posts donā€™t seem to be showing the heart.

Is there another option to enable it?

1 Like

What happens if you inspect the page there? Perhaps the heart element is there, just hidden or a problem with Font Awesome?

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You wonā€™t see the like icon on your own posts, until someone else reacts to them.


Is it possible to disable reactions for certain people?

We have a rather toxic user who just puts the ā€œangryā€ emoji on loads of posts. We have asked him to stop but he hasnā€™t responded. My choices currently are to suspend him or just leave him.

Iā€™d much rather disable reactions, maybe aside from the Heart, for him only. But there isnā€™t an option for that.

What if you removed the angry emoji? In my opinion, that emoji doesnā€™t provide a very positive environment.
Sorry if this sounds rude, I donā€™t mean it as such.


This has been considered, although we generally have a very friendly community and the ā€œangryā€ emoji is used in response to news or events that make us angry, not posts that make us angry. Or itā€™s also used in games that we play, if someone makes a ā€˜moveā€™ that makes someone else ā€˜angryā€™, itā€™s just a fun game.

But yes as I said we have considered this, but would like to see if we can disable reactions first.

1 Like

Are you able to talk to the person about it? I think this could best be handled through moderator action. You can warn the person and eventually ban them if they donā€™t comply.


We have sent them 3 messages and they are not responding to any of them. Today they logged in again and put an angry emoji on at least 30 posts!

Iā€™m curiousā€¦

  • do they have legit reason to use angry face?
  • is theirs content otherwise similar than other content in that forum?
  • are other users fine with that content?

If the answer is yes to all of those point then you should just let it be. But if it is no then you should kick them out and go back to normal life.

And if negative emotions are against the culture of that forum, you should disable all of such emojies. Because after that they move to use verbal form and kicking them out would be even easier.

It is just matter of one question: are those posts violating mental environment of community. If not where is the real problem? If yes, do some christmas cleaning :joy:

So, it is matter of moderation, not tuning up the plugin.

Perhaps send them a warning. That could be a reality check for them for them to reflect. If they persist or ignore, send 1 more warning. If they do it again, perhaps suspend them temporarily.

We did already send a warning. No response, they removed themselves from the message.

I sent another, final, warning today.

Itā€™s a shame because they have posted a few times and I donā€™t like to suspend people but Iā€™d like the option to remove their ability to post reactions.


In the last year, we have moved to a new way to give privileges to people, by group. Maybe an answer here could be to change the discourse reactions enabled setting to e.g. discourse reactions allowed groups setting. That way you could lock this user to trust level 0 and allow reactions to trust level 1, for instance. Or create another group and manually put people in it who are allwed to use reactions.

Screenshot 2024-11-07 at 9.32.00 AM

If many more people express a need for this, we could consider making this change.

But honestly if this person is not listening to you then you need to use your moderator tools to let them know whoā€™s in charge. That is nearly always the way, rather than trying to find a solution in the software.


There is a Theme component to hide likes from new users as I recall.

You can also use some CSS and add the problem user to a group.