Paid Job: looking for admin help

Hi, I’m using discourse as our community forum. The contractor that set it up originally is not longer available. My immediate issue is fixing the email configuration - getting the following error.

Jobs::HandledExceptionWrapper: Wrapped Net::SMTPAuthenticationError: 454 4.7.0 Too many login attempts, please try again later. x26sm1459621qki.8 - gsmtp

Beyond that, I’m interested in having someone help me optimize our use of discourse, as well as be available when issues/requests arise.


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sounds like you need to switch to a different/better outbound mail server like mailgun. That error is typical for gmail which is not great for this purpose.


Thanks for the feedback Tobias. I’m looking for someone that can get that setup and configured properly for me.


Hi Julie,

My freelance coop ‘Pavilion’ would be keen to help you.

You can find us at

If interested we can prepare a quote for you and support you going forward as required.


I might be able to help, feel free to get in touch on

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Did you consider getting managed hosting so you’ll never have to worry about these kind of things ever again?

Take a look at and feel free to PM me if you have any questions.

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I too am happy to help. I can fix you once and be on call, manage you on your current site (after I make it work), or host you on my own hardware.


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