Basically, I’m stuck in running the importer. I’m fairly new to Docker and Ruby etc and I’m at my wits end quite frankly. I run into tons of errors with gems among other things so I think it’s time to try a different approach. I can provide the database in a zip file, it’s not very large and all I need is a backup file I can then upload to my discourse instance so my users and stuff are all imported.
I don’t think it’ll take someone with a development environment very long, so give me a reasonable quote and I’m sure we’ll come to some sort of agreement
Any chance you could run me a quick bbpress import buddy? I’d really appreciate it. Can provide a zip of my db.
I really don’t know where I’ve been going wrong since I’ve followed everything pretty much spot on, it’s just not working for me. Having said that I’m new to Docker and Ruby in general so it might just be me being a plonker! I don’t mind lobbing you some $ for the trouble.
If these steps work for you, that would be that. If not, I can’t help because I don’t know anything about this stuff. But you can post your steps and the error you get.