[PAID] Make an external data-set mentionable just like users (@) and categories (#)

What would you like done?

My idea is to have a set of products from external source (CSV) which users can mention just like they can do with users (@), categories (#). So for products, they could use a + . That would trigger an autocomplete/autosuggest drop down field similar to the emoji picker.

The products will be provided via CSV. It will be a set of about 10,000 products.

Currently we are using linkify, but due to many product variations, different model numbers typos and long product names it’s not really a great solution.

When do you need it done?

15th of march

What is your budget, in $ USD that you can offer for this task?

about 1000 USD


I think I can help with that. Please email Jay@literatecomputing.com.


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