[PAID] Migrate Existing vB forum to Discourse

I have migrated a database a quarter of that size, (see this thread), I found that it took a 8 core VPS, around 8GB of RAM (the server had 32GB but it didn’t use it all), lots of disk space and 50 hours for the import script to run, so I would anticipate that more cores and longer would be needed. I would be available to help you with this job at hourly rate here and wouldn’t charge for the VPS used for the migration, I would need the MySQL database and would provide a Discourse backup file to be restored on your server (either via a HTTPS download or it could be SCP’d to your server, this might be best since it could be around 1GB in size, depending on the quantity of images embedded in the database). Get in touch either here of via our contact page if you are interested.