Pasting images buggy results

Look at the image links and how they differ from the preview window

and the results once posted are the correct images but stretched


I installed all these yesterday, activated signatures , reaction and encryption, have another thread where I am trying to get svg for like working in case its related

- git clone

- git clone

- git clone

- git clone

- git clone

no console errors showing

what else is needed on my end to help figure this out?

Its a common screen snipping tool I’ve been using all along so don’t believe its related to that at all

I don’t see errors here, with the wrong preview image is it cache related somehow?

ok, I removed the custom component for svg likes and it seems image pasting corrected

may not be any system bug but related to that

is this feasibly the cause?

.discourse-reactions-actions.has-reacted.has-used-main-reaction .discourse-reactions-reaction-button .reaction-button .d-icon {
    color: #ffd000;

leaves pink beer



please close I believe it was svg related