Place category menu/breadcrumb in top bar next to logo if scrolled down

Currently, the category menu/breadcrumb bar (All categories // Latest // New (18) // Unread (7) // Top // Categories // Bookmarks) displays beneath the top bar (with the search, hamburger menu and user icon). These items (category menu/breadcrumb) disappear when scrolling down the page.

On a forum that uses Discourse, I suggested to place that in the top bar, just as the title & category of a thread is placed in the top bar when scrolling down. (They referred me here as they couldn’t change it)

It would (IMHO):

  • most importantly (for me): provide an indication of where you are (even when lower on the page)
  • increase discoverability
  • allow you to create a new issue if you find out at the bottom that the current thread list doesn’t cover your problem
  • save vertical screen space
  • do stuff with one click less indeed (when not having to click on the hamburger menu)

So that it would look like this:

EDIT: Reason for me to post was the way it looks ugly on when scrolling down the category page.


Same thing for the search results page btw. Would be nice to present the search terms plus the ‘new topic’ button when scrolled down.

This has been brought up before (by @erlend_sh):