Plugin name is 'discourse-topic-voting', but plugin directory is named 'discourse-voting'

Finally remembered to post here about it, discourse-topic-voting’s directory doesn’t match it’s name, which throws a warning when rebuilding.
Plugin name is 'discourse-topic-voting', but plugin directory is named 'discourse-voting'


thank you! meant to do the same for ages :sweat_smile:

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Is that more than just a cosmetic thing? Asking it only because there is another plugins too — or was, because it was a while ago when I had enough energy to follow feed of rebuilding :woozy_face:

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I got the warning:

Plugin name is ‘discourse-topic-voting’, but plugin directory is named ‘discourse-feature-voting’

Which is a confusing message… it doesn’t state clearly what is the required action, adn which value is correct.

With some investigation, what I had to do was change:

- git clone


- git clone

Would be better if that message was:

Your configuration lists the plugin discourse-feature-voting however it has been renamed to discourse-topic-voting. You should update your configuration.

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Interesting, but that seems to be a slightly different warning message (warning I see just lists “discourse-voting”)

I think it may have had a few name changes over the course of its life. Having the older name in your app.yml shouldn’t cause any actual issue as I think there’s a redirect, but if you add the current link in there that should sort it out:

Though I think this change does make sense:

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