Polls lost data/votes

I do not know what happened, but the vote in the polls were restarted. For no apparent reason.

This bug has already occurred to someone? The votes back to normal?

That happened to me once before… A few months ago.

Are you on latest Discourse version? @zogstrip pushed some fixes last month.

Yes, it is updated. It seems that the votes are lost forever. It was almost 200 votes. I could see polls that had 200 votes, and when a new vote was counted, returned to 1. It’s really frustrating.

There was a peak of accesses before that happens. Can be the root of the bug.

Happened again. SeriouslyI highly recommend not using polls. It is very volatile, full of bugs.

Are you running latest version?

Are you using other plugins?

Was the post containing the poll recently updated?

Can I get access to your instance so that I can investigate?

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