Project ideas for GSoC

Continuing the discussion from Project ideas for Google Summer of Code 2018:

The ideas page is the most important part of the organization application.

Uhm. Posted several days ago.

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I have seen it. But there was some confusion whether a list of project ideas is useful or not for the application, whether it should be done before or after being accepted, etc.

I was not clear myself and I was reasoning based on gossip, guesses, common sense, etc. But after reading the GSoC guides it became crystal clear to me that having a good list of project ideas is the main factor for being selected or rejected (as an organization).

Maybe this can help for the next year’s application.

I do not feel we should spend any more resources on GSoC in the future, in favor of outreachy and rails girls etc, any comments @erlend_sh?

Why is this? Is the application process for an organisation particularly time consuming compared to outreachy/RGSOC?

I certainly enjoyed being part of GSOC last year, and I wouldn’t have been eligible to apply for either outreachy/RGSOC.

I have been happy with it so far – but in the future, I’d prefer to spend our time and effort and money to better support underrepresented groups.


Not really. I’d say the main problem with GSoC is the uncertainty of it. Project acceptance is very much out of our control, and the reasons for rejection are not entirely clear. If we get accepted for GSoC, we suddenly have an extra 2-4 mentor positions to fill.

Outreachy is largely under our control because we are the ones paying the intern stipend. RGSoC is technically out of our hands, but as a major Rails project with a longstanding relationship with them we can be fairly certain that we’ll get a spot every year.

That is indeed unfortunate, but on the other hand the Meta community has an open door policy for new contributors and if you hadn’t been part of GSoC we would have made sure to Encourage you to take on some more risky, larger scale contribution projects.