Prune old docker images - any howto?

I’ve had Discourse installed for a while via docker and performed many upgrades in the last few years. Now I ended up with quite a few docker images:

# docker images
REPOSITORY                      TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
local_discourse/app             latest              a779708720a4        2 months ago        2.68GB
discourse/base                  2.0.20190906-0522   6da16759d83d        3 months ago        2.29GB
discourse/base                  2.0.20190625-0946   2b3a5b47565f        6 months ago        1.93GB
discourse/base                  2.0.20190505-2322   ed87227f60d2        7 months ago        1.91GB
discourse/base                  2.0.20190217        9c24db193c37        10 months ago       1.92GB
discourse/base                  2.0.20181031        ea31cd77735a        13 months ago       1.88GB
discourse/base                  2.0.20180802        d6f8b6029227        16 months ago       1.74GB
discourse/base                  2.0.20180717        3af2eb204be0        17 months ago       1.71GB
discourse/base                  2.0.20171231        3925ef3919cc        24 months ago       1.73GB
discourse/base                  2.0.20170728        184b98f3b1d2        2 years ago         1.81GB
discourse/base                  2.0.20170531        4aa3fe49ae44        2 years ago         1.66GB
discourse/discourse             1.3.10              1881a9bd3afd        2 years ago         1.54GB

Surely not all are still needed, right? If I wanted to keep just the bare minimum, could all the discourse/base and that last discourse/discourse image be pruned?

I’m confused about the different image names local_discourse/app, discourse/base, discourse/discourse

Could someone experienced provide a general “housekeeping” howto for keeping only the last, say, 3 images? I’m not a docker expert …

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./launcher cleanup

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