Putting a button into Chat for Jitsi calls

I’m thinking of making a Theme component that inserts a videocall (Jitsi or similar) button into the chat header.

It looks a bit tricky as the HTML is pretty different between the full page and the drawer view (haven’t even checked out mobile yet).

And it might be too early to mess with the Chat plugin, as nobody else seems to have done so yet. Therefore there is nobody to copy!

However, it is a very attractive target for this as it is fairly easy to ensure both parties (for one:one) are in the same place / context when they are chatting, completely removing the need to ‘schedule’ a call.

Anyone got any thoughts about how to go about it?


Could be a great way to do a huddle. Or maybe have a video support upgrade for people doing support. We do something like this on WildApricot Hero - NewPath Consulting

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The other risk here is that things are still moving quickly so you may have to accept customizations breaking without warning for a while longer.


We’ve got a PR for this at the moment:


I just merged the PR, thanks!