Discourse Chat

:mega: This plugin is bundled with Discourse core. There is no need to install this plugin separately.

:discourse2: Summary Discourse Chat adds chat functionality to your Discourse instance.
:hammer_and_wrench: Repository Link https://github.com/discourse/discourse/tree/main/plugins/chat
:open_book: Install Guide Discourse Chat is included as a core plugin


As mentioned in our initial announcement and most recent update, this plugin adds chat functionality to your Discourse so it can natively support both, long-form and short-form communication needs of your online community.


Initial Setup

Head to your /admin/plugins page to click the chat :gear: Settings button.

On that page, Chat can be enabled by checking the chat enabled site setting. By default, Chat will be available to the staff group only, but you can add more groups (or open it up to everyone) by adding them to the chat allowed groups setting.

Channel retention

By default, channels are configured to retain messages for 90 days and direct messages are configured to retain messages forever, but these are configurable site settings:

  • chat channel retention days (default 90 days)
    Choose how long to retain Chat messages for channels
  • chat dm retention days (default forever)
    Choose how long to retain your Chat messages for personal chats

Other site settings

Additional site settings allow you to configure a set of default emoji reactions and a range of safety features (such as maximum chat messages per second, minimum message length, silence duration, and whether to allow uploads).

Accessing Channels and Creating New Ones

After the plugin is enabled, a speech bubble will appear in the header next to the Search icon, and clicking on that will open your Full Screen Chat window, where you can access default channels as well as start new personal chats. To navigate back to your Full Screen Chat window from inside each channel, use the < icon in the top left corner.

Using the Screenshot 2022-06-24 at 5.52.54 PM button on any Chat window, you can toggle between Full Screen mode and Drawer mode.

Create a channel

To create a new channel (admin only), select the :gear: icon in the top-right corner of your Full Screen Chat window and select Create a channel. Choose a category to associate it with, give it a name, and add an optional description to display on the Browse Channels page.

A Category can have multiple channels associated to it, and more can be added anytime. As a channel is always linked to a category, you can rely on existing category permissions to automatically limit who has access to that particular conversation.

:bulb: Want a channel just for your TL3+ users? Then creating a new channel for your lounge category will do just that.

Joining a channel

You can preview and join channels from the ā€˜Browse channelsā€™ page. From this page, you can view all the channels that are visible to you and eligible to join, as well as control your notifications for each channel using the options in the bell icon.

Inviting users to channels

@mentioning individual users or groups will give the option to invite them to the channel if they arenā€™t participants already. To invite groups in this way, the ā€˜Who can @mention this group?ā€™ on the groupā€™s /manage/interaction page must be set to something other than ā€˜Nobodyā€™.

Closing and deleting channels

Admins and moderators can close or delete channels from the Browse Channels page, using the :gear: icon next to their Channel name. A closed channel can be reopened any time, but deleting a channel is not reversible, so there is an additional confirmation check in place.

Starting a personal chat

To start a personal chat, use the :heavy_plus_sign: icon on your Full Screen Chat window and start adding usernames to the recipients list. To leave a personal chat click the X icon next to the channel name (only on desktop).

:information_source: If you accidentally leave a personal chat, starting a new chat with the same person/people will link you back to the messages sent previously.

In-Chat options

Like topics, Chat Messages support:

  • edits
  • replies
  • quoting
  • oneboxing
  • reactions
  • bookmarks
  • deletion

In the composer, you can insert dates, upload files, and GIFs! Chat channels support channel-wide @here and @all mentions with per channel while presence features like a green halo for online users & username is typingā€¦ indicator are also present.

You can also select one or more Chat Messages and ā€˜Quote to topicā€™ to take a quick conversation and make it into a Discourse topic for in-depth discussion.

Admins and moderators also have the ability to select Chat Messages and move them to a different channel.

Automatically add users to a channel

Chat Information panel

Clicking a channel title will now take users to a useful info panel with three tabs:


  • The About tab will display title, description and linked category, so users have the context they need for each channel.
  • The Members tab lets users see who else is in the room with them (member list and total count). It includes a filter so they can use search.

  • The Settings tab will let you set notification preferences (mute, desktop / mobile push notifications). For admins, this tab also includes the auto-join mode toggle.

Chat preferences

When Chat is enabled, users see a new /preferences/chat page in their preferences. On this page, they can opt-out of Chat, opt-out of the @here and @all notifications, manage their Chat email notifications or choose a desktop sound.

The existing settings on /preferences/users page also apply to chat direct messages, so users can also turn off direct messages or mute or ignore other individual users.


Discourse Chat supports Incoming webhooks but has no support for interactive bots or slash commands yet.

:loudspeaker: Sending Chat messages using Incoming webhooks [Slack-compatible]

The UI for creating webhooks can be found at Admin > Plugins > Chat > New incoming webhook. You can configure a name, description, username (that posts messages), destination channel and emoji for each webhook.

:discourse2: Hosted by us? Chat is included as a bundled plugin for everyone. :partying_face:

Last edited by @JammyDodger 2024-06-18T14:22:26Z

Check documentPerform check on document:

A post was merged into an existing topic: Using the translator APIā€™s on chat

4 posts were split to a new topic: Remove a user from a channel

Request a feature that allowing iframe in Discourse Chat

1 Like

Request a feature to add free webRTC or jitsi based audio and video personal and group video and audio calls in the chat please. It will hugely increase community engagement.

How do we allow anonymous users and guest to participate in DMs and group channels chats?

How to stop external links from being sent to avoid spammers spamming urls and links in chats? Any filtering or banned words or regex to filter in the chat?

Allow admins and mods to make group announcements in all DMs and all private group channels.

1 Like

That already exists with Jitsi:

We found that with our own Jitsi instance we could improve the oneboxing so that it is much more obvious what is going on.


2 posts were split to a new topic: NSFW image blurring in chat

Are these messages retained in the database once deleted?

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I just happened to have a chat channel that was no longer activeā€¦ so I ran a Data Explorer query. And the answer is no, they are completely deleted from the database.


Any plans on incorporating voice chat into this?


Hello!, I was exploring chat features, and I have added some images to a chat message. The images show up properly, but, I thought that when I click on the images they will jump into an overlay and enlarge the image to the original size, or something that makes it possible to visualize the image in a larger size, but nothing happened. Is that something I need to configure?, or that feature is not available for chats?

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Hello and welcome @c0d3m3nt0r :slight_smile:

Thereā€™s actually been another report of this in Chat: Make Images Clickable / Expandable. Thereā€™s a possibility it may be a non-official plugin thatā€™s interfering somehow.

From what we can tell, itā€™s working as intended in chat here on meta and clicking on an image in chat does enlarge it.

Do you have any special setup/plugins/configuration that may help narrow it down?


As an Admin, being able to reorder the Channels in the sidebar, similar to Discord, would be great. I was thinking of using both Discourse and Discord, but I can see how I can now remove a lot of things from Discord and use my forum for that, but having a specific structure for my channels order would be essential.

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I also think that we should be able to create channels that are not linked to categories. Thereā€™s nothing in a channel that seems linked to a category when we are in a chat room, so I donā€™t see why they need to be linked.

If someone with a forum wants to have a chat for ā€œgamingā€, that doesnā€™t mean they need to go and create a category for that, because maybe that category will not have any traffic at all and itā€™s just another thing to crowd the categories list, when thereā€™s no need to.

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You can create multiple channels all associated with a single category ā€“ no need to create a category for every channel.

That said, youā€™re not the first to point out that the category relationship feels unnecessary. Hereā€™s another recent feature topic about this: Make it easier to add people to channels through chat UX


In that case, it makes the feature even more ā€œobsoleteā€, because thereā€™s no real connection to the categories.
Not that this is an issue, but itā€™s just another thing thatā€™s just there without real meaning behind it.

But at least knowing that multiple channels can be linked ot the same category, avoids adding categories just for the sake of creating new channels. Thanks for the info.

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Yes the category currently serves primarily as a means to define access control for the channels within it.

So the feature I linked to above would make that part obsolete. In the meantime, thatā€™s the main purpose the relationship serves.


Just to make sure I understand: you mean that for example a certain group of people that can access category A, is the same group of people that can access one or more channels that are linked to that category A? Is that what you mean?

If so, since I believe that categories and channels should be separate features, then the permissions could be set on a Channel level by type of user, or by creating Channel Groups, if that makes sense?

Iā€™m thinking of how Discord works where each channel can be assigned to different Roles.

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Yes, exactly.