PWA reloads topics over and over

No idea what the repro is, it just happens. This has happened to me ever since 18.1 RC but it has annoyed me enough to report it now. When this happens you will be unable to scroll or click buttons.

It doesn’t happen every time and it’s pretty rare, every once in a while. I am only seeing this on Meta.

Current iOS version: 18.4 latest
Type: PWA


I experienced the same from my browser (Chrome Android).


Great to know that this isnt caused by some obscure WebKit defect like these JS bugs usually are :sweat_smile:

@darkpixlz I was going to report it, it happened a few minutes ago on Chrome (desktop).

When visiting a topic, it reloaded several times, then I tried to unlike thinking it was related. I forgot to look at the console.

This image is a blog notification by Saif Murtaza announcing the replacement of the Discord Aikismet plugin with a replacement AI spam detection tool for Starter and Standard plans, highlighting improved performance and customization options. (Captioned by AI)


Is this new for you? I have been seeing this behavior (rarely) for a few months now.

I believe so, yes. I’m not using PWA, though.


I have seen something similar, and the fact you’re seeing this only on meta makes me think it is related to an issue in the ActivityPub plugin. It publishes topics/posts on a schedule to ActivityPub subscribers, and in the process, it updates the post’s status. It’s possible that it is too eager to reload a topic when it does that.

There is a PR with a fix in the works: DEV: replace postStream.refresh with AP topic tracking state service by angusmcleod · Pull Request #185 · discourse/discourse-activity-pub · GitHub, will review and merge shortly.


I had exactly the same experience on the Topic you refer to.

But now when I return it has stopped doing it.


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Hmm… this issue used to only happen when I like or react to a post, specifically, the topic post IIRC.