PWA (twa, offline)

Hello and greetings, i have tried to create Android App with Bubblerwrap:

  • is a Command Line Interface (CLI) that helps developers to create a Project for an Android application that launches an existing Progressive Web App (PWA) using a Trusted Web Activity (TWA).

Actually its pretty easy to use:

but i cant get it working, because i have to change few things in manifest.json like:
splash screen
display to fullscreen
theme color for the address bar
maskable icon

and how can i upload service worker file in my website dir in docker?
(never before worked with docker containers or discourse, still learning)

I know there is possibility to install automatically PWA app on chrome in the adress bar of the website, but the offline modus isnt working, maybe i can get it working with the service worker and some caching?

Best regards


Discourse is already a PWA, no need to change anything. Just install your instance following Discourse official Standard Installation and fill the new site wizard.


I have a question for you as an experienced developer in this field:
Why did you decide to go with a Progressive Web App (PWA) instead of a native application? I’m currently trying to decide which approach to take for my own project and would love to hear your insights.

From your experience, what are the key advantages and disadvantages of PWAs compared to native apps? For instance:

  • In terms of performance, user experience, and offline functionality, how do they compare?
  • Did PWAs provide the flexibility and functionality you needed, or were there any limitations you had to work around?

Your insights would be greatly appreciated, as I’m trying to weigh the benefits of pwa vs native apps for my own project.

There is a “native app”, it’s called the Discourse Hub and is available on both major stores.

If you want to deploy a native app exclusively for one forum (“whitelisted” approach) that’s a relatively involved and expensive, time consuming workflow because of all the configuration, conformance, regulations and platform review, but it’s perfectly possible to do now.

I’ve done this for several clients in the past.

The advantage the PWA approach has it is very low bar for user just to click and install for free.

Notifications used to be the big draw for native but that situation has improved significantly on both major platforms.

The native app store approach is arguably better for users used to getting their apps from the store and provides a level of marketing for the forum that can be found with search.

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