Python > Get post content if mentioned

EDIT: I think I am mistaken. It looks like I am looking for type 1 and 2. Type 2 will trigger if there is a reply to the user. This makes this post basically irrelevant.While playing with this, the following question came to mind:

mentioned is loud and clear, type == 1 if there is a clear @Mention

But for replied I am kinda confused.

When I reply to the topic, through one of the general buttons, it comes in as a reply. Makes sense.

But if you click the reply button to a specific post from a user, one would think it’s a mention, but it is still a type 2 notification.

Shouldn’t a “reply to user” notification get type 1? Because it’s basically the exact same as a mention, just without the @Mention in the post.

For reference, since it is nowhere else on meta, posting the notification types here. Perhaps these types of notifications can get a new type, or just type 1?

[1] pry(main)> Notification.types
=> {:mentioned=>1,
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