Quick Messages Plugin

I’ve just:

  1. Removed system messages from the quick message list
  2. Removed new system messages from the message notification count
  3. Added system messages to the user notification count


cc @tobiaseigen as per your initial request.

Note that this means you will still see notifications for system messages in the form of user notifications rather than as message notifications. For example a new user sees:

I’ve been trying to also remove non-system messages from the user notification list. Previously, I removed the messages from the user notification list by adding and removing observers to filter the notifications property in the SiteHeader component at the opportune time.

As the user notification list is now inside a widget, meaning observers are no longer available, I haven’t been able to find a way to filter it either on the client or the server, save from deleting those notifications on the server entirely, which would be dangerous. So the quick messages are going to continue to appear in the user notification list and the quick message list for now, albeit they don’t create notifications in the user notification list.