Quick question about Email Deliverability Test

The first item in the Email Deliverability email is:

Be sure to set the notification email from: address correctly in your site settings. The domain specified in the “from” address of the emails you send is the domain your email will be validated against .

Does this refer to the server-level settings configured during install? Or something in the admin settings?

That’s no longer true.

If you ran discourse-setup recently it asked you what address you wanted (suggesting the same default in the message), the notification_email is set by DISCOURSE_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL in your app.yml. And since it’s set that way, the setting no longer shows up in the UX.

To change it you’ll need to run discourse-setup or edit app.yml and rebuild (though ./launcher destroy app; ./launcher start app may work a bit faster if you haven’t done an upgrade from the command line).

This isn’t quite a bug, but it’s close.

@sam (or @codinghorror since we worked on this)-- someone needs to edit test_mailer.text_body_template accordingly. I think that it’s safe to just ignore the case where the setting isn’t in app.yml and tell people to run discourse-setup, as it seems unlikely that someone will go looking for this setting if it’s not wrong.

OK, what’s your recommendation for the edit? Can you propose an edit here, in a reply?

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Be sure to set the notification email from: address correctly by running discourse-setup or changing DISCOURSE_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL in your app.yml. The domain specified in the “from” address of the emails you send is the domain your email will be validated against.

That might get it. What do you think?

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I’m very new to Discourse, but it would make more sense to me (assuming it’s accurate) to replace the second sentence with:

Use a from: email address domain that can be validated (e.g. if your from: email address is forum@example.com be sure your email provider can validate emails from example.com)

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So the proposal is to change

Be sure to set the notification email from: address correctly in your site settings. The domain specified in the “from” address of the emails you send is the domain your email will be validated against.


Be sure to set the notification email from: address correctly by running discourse-setup or changing DISCOURSE_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL in your app.yml. Use a from: email address domain that can be validated (e.g. if your from: email address is anything@example.com be sure your email provider can validate emails from example.com.)

I guess that’s fine; how do you feel about it @Stephen @pfaffman ?

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That seems like an improvement.

While we’re at it…


Also, @falco was instrumental in the decision to move the notification_email to discourse-setup. He may have opinions.

Cool! @falco you want to chime in, and then I can make the edits?


Your copy looks fine to me :+1: