Quote Callouts

:information_source: Summary Adds Obsidian-style callouts as an alternative for markdown quotes.
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:hammer_and_wrench: Repository GitHub - Arkshine/discourse-quote-callouts
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Install this theme component

This theme component adds support for Obsidian-style callouts in Discourse as an alternative for markdown quotes.

Callouts are a great way to highlight content and add notes, warnings, or other special messages to your posts.


To create a callout, add [!type] to the first line of a quote, where type is the type identifier. The type identifier determines how the callout looks and feels. To see all available types, refer to Supported types.

:information_source: The type identifier is case-insensitive.

> [!tip] 
> **Tip**: Use `code snippets` to enhance readability. They provide clarity and precision.

Custom title

By default, the title of the callout is its type identifier in title case. You can change it by adding text after the type identifier:

> [!question] Custom Label 🤗
> Callouts labels can be customized.

> [!abstract] [date=2032-12-22 timezone="Europe/Paris"]
> They can also contain special inline formatting like dynamic dates.

You can also create title-only callouts:

> [!success] solved.


Foldable callouts

You can make a callout foldable by adding a plus + or a minus - directly after the type identifier.

  • + expands the callout by default
  • - collapses it instead
> [!todo]- My Todo List
> - [x] Write documentation
> - [ ] Add tests
> - [ ] Review code

> [!todo]+ My Expanded Todo List
> - [x] Create repository
> - [ ] Setup CI/CD
> - [ ] Deploy to production

The image shows a Todoist project titled "arkshine" with checkboxes for "Create repository," "Setup CI/CD," and "Deploy to production" under "My Expanded Todo List," and options "My Todo List" and "My Expanded Todo List" visible. (Captioned by AI)

Nested callouts

You can nest callouts in multiple levels.

> [!question] Can callouts be nested?
> > [!todo] Yes!, they can.
> >
> > > [!example] You can even use multiple layers of nesting.

> [!tip]
> Here's a helpful tip
> > [!info]
> > With some additional information
> >
> > > [!example]
> > > And a nested example
> Back to the main tip

Supported default types

You can use several callout types and aliases.
Each type comes with a different background color and icon.

:information_source: You can create your callouts or manage the default ones.
See the callouts setting.

:information_source: Any unsupported type defaults to the note type. See Default Fallbacks section for more information.

:information_source: The type identifier is case-insensitive.

Type Description Aliases
note For general notes and information -
abstract For summaries or abstract sections summary, tldr
info For informational content -
todo For task lists or todo items -
tip For tips and important information hint, important
success For success messages check, done
question For questions and FAQs help, faq
warning For warnings caution, attention
failure For failure notices fail, missing
danger For danger or error messages error
bug For bug reports or known issues -
example For examples -
quote For quotes cite

Callout types examples 2



You can use either FontAwesome 6 icon or directly provide an SVG element.

SVG element

While the free FontAwesome version provides many choices, you may feel limited sometimes.
You can provide an SVG element <svg>...</svg>.

Example: Lucile icons – It’s a great set with the advantage of choosing the stroke width.

  1. Select an icon
  2. Adjust the Stroke width
  3. Click on Copy SVG
  4. Go to the theme component settings and paste the content


Default Fallbacks

You can set default values for when a specified callout type isn’t found with the following settings:

  • callout_fallback_type
  • callout_fallback_icon
  • callout_fallback_color
> [!discourse is fantastic]
> Yes.

Global configuration

You can customize various aspects of the callouts through

  • Background opacity
  • Border properties (width, style, color, radius)
  • Padding
  • Title font properties (size, weight)
  • Space between icon and title

Per-Callout configuration

Each callout type can be customized with:

  • Custom icon
  • Title text
  • Color scheme
  • Border properties

See the Settings section below.


Setting Description
callouts Define the callouts.
callout_fallback_type The default callout type to use when the specified type is not found.
Default value: note
callout_fallback_icon The default icon to use when the specified type is not found.
Default value: far-pen-to-square
callout_fallback_color The default color to use when the specified type is not found.
Default value: #027aff
callout_background_opacity The global background opacity for the callout (1 to 100).
Default value: 10
callout_border_width The global border width for the callout.
Default value: empty
callout_border_style The global border style for the callout.
Default value: empty
callout_border_color The global border color for the callout.
Default value: empty
callout_border_radius The global border radius for the callout.
Default value: var(--d-border-radius)
callout_padding The global padding for the callout.
Default value: 0.75em 0.75em 0.75em 1.5em
callout_title_font_size The global font size for the callout title.
Default value: inherit
callout_title_font_weight The global font weight for the callout title.
Default value: bold
callout_title_gap The global gap between the callout icon and title.
Default value: 0.5em
callout_icon_sizep The global size for the callout icon.
svg_icons List of FontAwesome 6 icons used in this theme component.

Per-callout setting page:

Setting Description
Type* The type of the callout.
This identifier will be used in the callout syntax: [!type]
Alias The aliases for the callout, separated by |.
Example: cite|quote
Icon The fontawesome icon for the callout.
You might need to add it to svg_icons setting if it’s not available in the default subset.
Alternatively, you can provide an SVG element directly, e.g. <svg>...</svg>
Icon size The size for the callout icon.
Note: Use only valid CSS values, e.g. 1em, 16px, 1.5rem
Title The title for the callout.
If no title is provided in the callout, this setting will be used.
Note: if both are empty, the title will be the callout type.
Color The color for the callout.
This will be used for the background, title, and icon.
Note: Use only hexadecimal color codes, e.g. #027aff
Border width The border width for the callout.
Border style The border style for the callout.
Border color The border color for the callout.
Important: if you’re using CSS functions to produce an alpha value, such as rgba, make sure not to use spaces between the values, e.g., rgba(145,145,145,0.1)
Border radius The border radius for the callout.

* Required setting


Future development plans may include:

  • Autocomplete types on typing



Oh nice!

I think this could be used for this purpose?:


That seems like a valid usage!


impressive! you’re great


This is a stellar add. Much more than the base discussion seemed to entail(granted haven’t used Obsidian).


This looks amazing. Will the callouts be styled correctly on email as well?


When I added this component to my site I got an error message that read:

:warning: Your site may not work because a theme / component has errors.
Caused by ‘Quote Callouts’. Click here to update, reconfigure or disable.

1 Like

What version of discourse are you running?

I am on Tests-passed(3.5 beta) and it seems fine

If you’re on Stable you may still be 3.4 or maybe earlier version as 3.4 just rolled out to stable

1 Like

Ah, I haven’t upgraded recently because of the PostgreSQL stuff. I’ll report back when I do!


Not sure if that is the case… But a likely suspect as many changes have rolled out with how TC etc… structures have changed. Like the move to glimmer components.

1 Like

Unfortunately, I don’t think so. It would require a plugin.

What is your current Discourse version?


I updated to the latest version and it works now.

The lack of email support unfortunately makes this unusable for our case. Most of our members are subscribed to groupts & categories and so read messages in their email. Bummer!


I might try to make a plugin version later!


This is a fantastic addition to Discourse! :heart: :heart: :heart:

That’s exactly what we are missing in Discourse core, at least the 4 most common types of callout such as info, danger, warning and success. We have been using the blockquote + emoji format for a while and we willl definitely give this one a shot :slight_smile:


Love what you’ve done here!


Very nice thanks !


Hi, just one thing, the quote callout code appears in the excerpts on my home page, it would be better it doesn’t:


@patrickemin Can you test the latest version? It should clean up the topic excerpt now.


Yes it works thanks!


Thank you for the theme component I really like it!

Unfortunately, I had to temporarily disable it as it was causing visual problems on my site and I saw the following in the console that I was able to trace back to your callouts.gjs