We are using Discourse in a Docker container. We have rate limits set up with a whitelisted IP. However, we are still getting rate limit errors when making requests from that IP. I’m pretty sure the nginx configuration is correct, here is how it looks:
nginx is configured to log an error in case a rate limit has been reached and we are indeed seeing some log message - but none from the whitelisted IP. Still we are getting tons of 429 when making requests from the whitelisted IP. The request URLs are user profiles (e.g. /users/foo.json). Is there some kind of rate limit in Discourse itself?
Hi there, Nginx is indeed managing rate limiting as you stated but Discourse also has it’s own way to manage rate limiting at application level. Sam has an interesting piece on this :
The only thing I’m wondering is if we can indeed rate limit with exceptions (i.e. whitelist IPs through those rules). I’m still searching for a way to do this…
I know it’s not nginx because I’m getting the " You’ve performed this action too many times" message, which means the Discourse RateLimiter is handling it.