Read All New button

Here’s what I do which simulates your Read All New button:

Like most of the @team member, I read all of the topics/posts here. Here’s my morning routine

  1. Go to
  2. Click the first unread/new topic (sometimes it’s random, sometimes it’s the first that catch my interest)
  3. Press j to go down the topic as I read the posts
  4. Once I’ve reached the end of the topic, pressing j again will select the first Suggested Topics (which prioritise unread/new topics)
  5. Press o to open that topic, which will go to the latest unread post of that topic
  6. Repeat steps 3-5 until I’ve read everything

Often I press l to :heart: a post.
Sometimes I press b to :bookmark: the currently selected post or f to :bookmark: the whole topic ("f" stands for favorite)
Sometimes I press r to reply to the currently selected post.

The combination of Suggested Topics and keyboard shortcuts makes it really easy and super fast to Read All New :wink: