I did rebuilding (2-container) just few minutes ago and I got this:

Environment: production                                                                                                            
The setting 'staticAddonTrees' will default to true in the next version of Embroider and can't be turned off. To prepare for this y
ou should set 'staticAddonTrees: true' in your Embroider config.                                                                   
The setting 'staticAddonTestSupportTrees' will default to true in the next version of Embroider and can't be turned off. To prepare
 for this you should set 'staticAddonTestSupportTrees: true' in your Embroider config.                                             
 ERR_PNPM_RECURSIVE_EXEC_FIRST_FAIL  Command was killed with SIGKILL (Forced termination): ember build -prod

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6 posts were merged into an existing topic: Rebuild fails with exit 1: ERR_PNPM_RECURSIVE_EXEC_FIRST_FAIL