Rebuild taking ~3hours

Not my issue, but does this mean there is not anything else?

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Maybe not intentionally, but it might be worth auditing the contents of the host for crypto mining processes, etc…


Step 1: fix the already identified performance problem of using the vfs driver


About this swap to (ideally) overlay2, I will have to erase my current install and re-install everything. This is because the host I am on currently only supports fuse-overlayfs or the vfs which is neither of both recommended.
However they will soon enable KVMs which support overlay2.

So my intention would be to use that, instead of the as well not-suggested fuse-overlayfs

Now, in the Discourse app itself, I can take backups. What does that precisely back up?

Would I lose anything from the current Discourse forum (I mean anything like messages, chats, settings, users, images uploaded, etc) if I took a backup, re-installed a fresh discourse on a fresh server, and then after initial discourse setup, overwrite it with the backup?

Would that work?

Yes, that would work.

The only thing you didn’t mention is to make sure that you have the same plugins on the new Discourse as you have on the current one. If you reuse your app.yml then you would be fine as well.


Right, thanks for pointing that out, I bet I’d have run right into that.

Ok so…

  1. Take backup in the Discourse admin area
  2. Just for safety, of course, take backup of the server
  3. Take copy of the yaml file
  4. Dump the server
  5. Setup new server with supported tech
  6. Install Docker with proper storage driver
  7. Rebuild a full fresh Discourse instance using backed up yaml file
  8. Restore Discourse from backup

A bit surprised the backup is just 19.2 MB.
We have several images etc already uploaded… but I guess all I can do is try.

Will go for that over the weekend and report back if the storage driver change did the trick.

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Check that this is set:


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Please note that that specific setting only applies to scheduled backups, not to manual ones. With manual backups you always get an explicit choice.

Another setting to enable is include thumbnails in backups

@smileBeda I would postpone #4 until everything is working ok.


It indeed is checked, but Include generated thumbnails in backups. Disabling this will make backups smaller, but requires a rebake of all posts after a restore. was not.

@RGJ … right, good idea, will take more steps as I will have to create a server under a new entity, but it is minor compared to the risk.

I will let the automated backup trigger so I get all data in it as I understand the manual one wouldn’t include the images etc.


That is an incorrect assumption.

When creating a backup manually you get the choice in a popup if you want to backup the database only, or include uploads.

When creating scheduled backups the backup with uploads setting decides that.


Ok, I misunderstood your previous Please note that that specific setting only applies to scheduled backups, not to manual ones.
