Rebuilding always fails when the MAXMIND daily limit is exhausted

I’ve just tried a rebuild now and it failed at this point:

 - dist/javascripts/media-optimization-worker.js: 5.01 kB (1.74 kB gzipped)
 - dist/javascripts/pikaday/1.8.2/pikaday.js: 42.54 kB (9.67 kB gzipped)
 - dist/javascripts/squoosh/mozjpeg_enc.js: 39.03 kB (10.81 kB gzipped)
 - dist/javascripts/squoosh/squoosh_resize.js: 4.53 kB (1.28 kB gzipped)
Done in 355.08s.

I, [2024-07-08T07:59:42.015855 #1]  INFO -- : > cd /var/www/discourse && su discourse -c 'SKIP_EMBER_CLI_COMPILE=1 bundle exec rake themes:update assets:precompile'
Purging temp files
Bundling assets
I, [2024-07-08T07:59:57.247206 #1532]  INFO -- : Writing /var/www/discourse/public/assets/break_string-cc617154cd957804f2f6a1f3bc68258c9cdca3d4b9a322bf777d145fed04790e.js
I, [2024-07-08T07:59:57.264957 #1532]  INFO -- : Writing /var/www/discourse/public/assets/service-worker-9764e1cd771b38dbe65a0d1e42d89cb2cb5f72b266ab7316e55d3371cb0ac870.js
I, [2024-07-08T07:59:57.271269 #1532]  INFO -- : Writing /var/www/discourse/public/assets/locales/i18n-3b40e842fd72b9bcc74ea83e094c823cd9ca535e4ecc5e78722e6f99d3656137.js
I, [2024-07-08T07:59:57.277082 #1532]  INFO -- : Writing /var/www/discourse/public/assets/scripts/discourse-test-listen-boot-9b14a0fc65c689577e6a428dcfd680205516fe211700a71c7adb5cbcf4df2cc5.js
I, [2024-07-08T07:59:59.103776 #1532]  INFO -- : Writing /var/www/discourse/public/assets/locales/ar-dfed7a58f30378bc60d7a2cc8d6347524f68b272ae012f0232604f730e442f91.js
I, [2024-07-08T08:00:00.112555 #1532]  INFO -- : Writing /var/www/discourse/public/assets/locales/be-e12ac4c99df2289f422efd371dd3da766754aecb1189ea763fe003376aca9028.js
rake aborted!
Zlib::BufError: buffer error (Zlib::BufError)
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I have a question. Are you using S3? I suspect that too.

No :baymax_no: No S3 for me.

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I don’t know if this only happens when the daily limit is exhausted. But it happens all the time here for 2-3 months now. Also other people seem to have the same problem:

Maybe it would be a good idea to provide the Maxmind files from a local directory? I download this anyway for other uses, so it is already there.

And maybe it would be even better to provide the Maxmind files in a shared directory into the Discourse container to always have the up-to-date version? As I said I download it anyway and update the files once a day.

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I think the problem is not related to the limit. In other words, it also gives an error when a wrong key or account ID is entered. This is how we can solve the problem here: in case of error, make it use the old database and continue rebuilding it. Of course, it is very important to determine the main cause of this problem.

I tried to create an example two days ago and it gave an error. It had nothing to do with the limit because it was my first rebuild that day. Then I created a new key and tried it and it worked. There is a situation here: when you create a key, it takes a while for it to become active. If you re-create it immediately, it gives an error.

interesting :slight_smile:

Well, my keys are old, I never changed them after starting to use them. Why is it working when you create a new key? You said it takes a while until it gets active. So it should thrown an error then?

That’s a good idea. Or offering the files from a local directory, as I suggested. Everything optional. But it really bugs me that rebuilding is like a lottery for many weeks now…

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This is against Maxmind’s terms of usage which is why we need to make everyone provide the API keys to download the files individually.

Assigning myself to have a look at what the problem is when the daily limit has been reached.


I’ve had the rebuild fail and then built the image with the maxmind settings turned off. And then inside the container, add the settings back and successfully run the rake task.

Maybe it’s possible to rebuild without downloading the database and then have the database download when the container boots?

Also, i added a PR that should allow the bootstrap to succeed (that has been merged) even if the download fails, but it’s still causing the bootstrap to fail.


Yup I think you’re right here. Maxmind isn’t a critical feature so there is no need for us to cause bootstrap to fail when we can’t download stuff.


I think you did not understand what I tried to say. Let me try again:

I have a script which downloads the Maxmind files every few days. With my own API keys of course. The files are used on the server for several things like AWstats web statistics, WordPress plugins and so on.

So I have the files on the machine anyway. Why download the files (again) when I rebuild the Discourse container?

That’s a brilliant idea. :slight_smile:

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Yeah. It would be great to be able to have those in persistent storage, especially if it could be shared across instances. I’ve got a handful of Discourse sites on the same machine behind traefik, so if they could all share the same mmdb then it’d save keeping and downloading a bunch of separate copies. Even on a standard install, they could persiste between builds. Maybe that’s possible already? Maybe just mount /var/www/discourse/vendor/data somewhere persistent?

Aha. I think that’s what GlobalSetting.maxmind_backup_path is for. So I think that if you have a maxminddb for some reason you can set DISCOURSE_MAXMIND_BACKUP_PATH to something that’s available in the container.

Also, why do we need mmdb to precompile assets?


So is this already working? Will setting up DISCOURSE_MAXMIND_BACKUP_PATH in app.yml (as internal link from inside the container or absolute link on the Docker host?) disable a download from Maxmind during rebuild?

It’s in the code. I have never used it. It looks like if you include a path there it’ll find it. I can’t remember, but I think it’s a path to the directory.

Okay, I could try. I have several instances and one is for testing only.

Can I see if the files were taken locally or were downloaded?

So something like /var/discourse/maxmind on the Docker host?

Sorry. I’m not quite sure. It looks like it wants a directory, and you can make it whatever you want, so maybe you’d add a a volume in your app.yml like

  - volume:
      host: /data/
      guest: /data

and DISCOURSE_maxmind_backup_path=/data/mmdb (fixing case for the env variable)

here’s the code

Thank you again. I created /var/discourse/shared/discourse_test/data/mmdb and here is what I did to app.yml:

  ## The maxmind geolocation IP address key for IP address lookup
  ## see for details

## The Docker container is stateless; all data is stored in /shared
  - volume:
      host: /var/discourse/shared/discourse_test
      guest: /shared
  - volume:
      host: /var/discourse/shared/discourse_test/log/var-log
      guest: /var/log
  - volume:
      host: /var/discourse/shared/discourse_test/data
      guest: /data

I added DISCOURSE_MAXMIND_BACKUP_PATH and I added a third volume.

Is the directory for DISCOURSE_MAXMIND_BACKUP_PATH correct? The path is the path inside the container?


Sorry, too excited and also a bit unclear. :wink:

Okayyyyyy :smiley:

Detected MaxMindDB backup (downloaded: 2024-07-17 23:15:02 +0000) at /data/mmdb
Copying MaxMindDB from /data/mmdb to /var/www/discourse/vendor/data
Skip downloading MaxMindDB as it was last downloaded at 2024-07-17 23:15:02 +0000

I think this is what I (or better “we”) wanted to see. :smiley:


I think you could have skipped the extra volume and done


But if you have some other process that’s keeping that database up to date elsewhere, then you could mount that directory so you’d have just one local copy on your drive and would need to update just that one copy.


I think I will leave it that way. In my eyes it is a more clear configuration which also can be still understood in a few months. Also it might be more generic and for more use cases than just mine.

I’m copying the three mmdb files from Maxmind into that directory when downloading them. I just adjusted the script I am using (btw, for download I am using geoipupdate, which is also available as a package for Debian (and most likely other Linux distributions)).

Just finished rebuild four different Discourse containers, all without any error! This did not happen for months here. So great! :slight_smile:


This problem still persists. I will explain the incident in detail:
I made an update from the admin, it stopped halfway. So I started a recompile from the ssh panel. Boom gave an error, sample error is below.

Then I created a new maxmind key and recompiled it, it gave an error again, same error. (interesting, maybe the key was not activated).

Then I disabled the maxmind setting in the app.yml file. I recompiled it and the compilation was successful.

The add-ons I used are shown in the image, other things I used:

  • Cloudflare R2
  • separate postgresql server
  • cloudflare

I can’t figure out what’s causing the problem anymore.

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