Rebuilding App - Weird Error

I was performing my monthly maintenance and updates to Discourse and noticed the following errors during rebuild:

I, [2025-03-22T15:54:02.806441 #1]  INFO -- : > cd /var/www/discourse && sudo -E -u discourse bundle exec rake s3:upload_assets
`/root` is not writable.


I, [2025-03-22T15:54:12.239681 #1]  INFO -- : > cd /var/www/discourse && sudo -E -u discourse bundle exec rake s3:expire_missing_assets
`/root` is not writable.

Post rebuild:

  1. I am able to create posts and have new images uploaded to S3 without any issue.
  2. I was able to enter the app and run the rake commands without any issue.

Any ideas or suggestions?

You are on sudo and on root, correct?

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All were attempted under “root” with the same session.

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But was the process running as root?

Which is why I posted the question. This has never happened before with numerous rebuilds.