ReCaptcha, how to implement at login?

If not possible, when will it be integrated into the product?

If never, any alternatives?


There aren’t any that I know of. There was a topic asking this some time ago

You can also use the Akismet plugin to combat spam in addition to the already built in tools/site settings Discourse offers.

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That topic talks about rate limits by ip. What are those limits?

They are built-in? I use reverse nginx proxy.

It’s 3 accounts per IP by default, but you can change it at “max new accounts per registration ip”

Thanks, I still overall prefer ReCaptcha, it stops bots cold, every time. I am surprised that there is no way to implement it.

Maybe this topic is helpful for you hCaptcha plug-in


Thanks, sure be nice if this plugin was discourse maintained. However, I may try this to see if I also encounter errors.

Thanks again!

whoa - hCaptcha not cheap for ‘frictionless’ passive in pro mode, $99/month