Recently Read Topics by User
Show the topics with that have been opened by a given user in the past N days, sorted by the amount of time the user has spent in that topic. (requested on feverbee)
-- [params]
-- integer :user = 1
-- integer :since_days_ago = 7
with topic_timing as (
select user_id, topic_id, sum(msecs) / 1000 as seconds
from post_timings
where user_id = :user
group by user_id, topic_id
SELECT tv.topic_id,
from topic_views tv
left join topic_timing tt
on tv.topic_id = tt.topic_id
and tv.user_id = tt.user_id
where tv.user_id = :user
and viewed_at + :since_days_ago > CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
order by seconds desc