cd /var/discourse
./launcher enter app
cd /var/www/discourse
su - discourse -c 'git fetch origin pull/<pr_number>/head:<local_branch_name>'
su - discourse -c 'git switch <local_branch_name>'
sv restart unicorn
If that does work, then you could add stuff to your app.yml to make it do that during the build. Or maybe it’ll get merged soon and you can just wait it out.
If that makes things worse, you can do a
./launcher destroy app;./launcher start app
and that’ll put back the image that you last built.
That’s very helpful thank you. Ideally we’d like to wait till it’s merged up but being new to this it’s not clear if that’s a few days, weeks, or months.
With what I suggested, you might be able to see that it actually works (or maybe there are spec in there that answer that question), or get by for a while until it’s accepted. Lots of people wait weeks (or months) to upgrade amyway.
I think you’re safe to try it out for some weeks. If there is another release, you can decide whether to update your PR to work with the next release or find some other solution. Probably the easiest thing would be to do it in a plugin?
Wait. Why not just do it in a plugin?
That’s the usual course of action. Do it in a plugin and then ask if they’d be interested in a PR. Right now, it seems that you’re the only one on the planet who wants this. Adding it to core means that someone will have to maintain it indefinitely; it’s not trivial.
@merefield@pfaffman it’s not a plugin simply because, for us, that’s not trivial. We have never written a plugin. It someone has some directions on how to wire this up, we’d be happy to look at it!
Also, I would probably not say we are only person that ‘wants’ netcore - it’s one of the largest ESP…on earth, and many times bigger than some of the others supported in core. I’m not suggesting it’s better, or users may want the others, but netcore is a very large, well regarded ESP. In fact you can see a bunch of talk about it here, as it was formerly pepipost:
You do not know if they will ever accept your PR. And neither do I.
Here’s a hint: Someone from Team has responded in this topic and they didn’t say “Yeah, we’re pulling this in ASAP”. They instead gave you “Here’s what we do if we have a PR that won’t be accepted into core for months”.
I’m on the infra side, I have no insight into the dev teams priorities. To me the commit looks but a more practiced eye might have a different opinion.
But I do think this answering this question would be a generally useful piece of advice / FAQ for self-hosters.
And I keep forgetting just how big the staff is now and how segmented the teams must be. It seems like just yesterday that most everyone knew most everything (of course even then people had their niches), but that “yesterday” was eight years ago.