Redirect to Register link after invite while using SSO

I am using SSO and have allowed users to invite new users with the Invites feature.
This is what happens

  1. The invitee gets an email and on clicking is taken to Discourse page
  2. Then if invitee clicks on continue, she is redirected to the URL mentioned in Discourse Connect URL field in settings. I have entered the login page URL for users who try to access the the community directly without login in

But, this restricts me from directing invited users to the registration page so that they can register with SSO and then use the community.

Is there a workaround to solve this?

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Hey, I see you also previously raised a similar issue here

In short, the WP Discourse plugin hasn’t added support for invites alongside DiscourseConnect, and this hasn’t been on my radar. But it is now! I’ll look at adding explicit support for invites when using DiscourseConnect with WP Discourse.


Thanks Angus. Looking forward to see what you come up with :slight_smile: