Reduce Email expenses by not sending emails to non/less active users

Is there any site setting, which would allow me to set stop sending emails to users who’re not reading the same? Who’re not even opening my emails?

I’m using Aws as email sender.

Mine is a very small site, with just under 1k page views daily. And I think I’m paying a few dollars per month unnecessarily on sending thousands of emails which are not even opened.

Under user defaults you could take off all email summaries etc. Let users decide if they want or not those. Quite few wants, I guess. At least it worked for me as an admin.

But you actually don’t know who has opened or not sended email. That metric is very unreliable.


This is a ‘new’ to me. I thought it to be an ‘Exact’ metric. Although I thought, may be it’d be available with the email service provider only, here Aws.

Not exact because the trackers that report if e-mail is opened can be stopped.


I got it.


If you want active users to receive digest emails, you can also reduce suppress digest email after days. Then users will get activity summaries until they haven’t visited for that timespan. By default it’s 180 days


To tell the truth, I just, a moment ago, adjusted that setting.
And this is also true, that in my situation, this was the most relevant setting (I had somehow earlier changed its default and made it much higher- 777 :slight_smile:)


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