Referencing types of review items created by plugins

:bookmark: This reference shows which plugin each type of review item originates from.

:person_raising_hand: Required user level: Moderator

Plugins create review items. When disabled, admins are notified if there’s a pending review.

The admin can delete all pending reviews from a disabled plugin or enable a specific plugin, based on the following list.

Plugin name Review type
Discourse AI ReviewableAiChatMessage
Discourse AI ReviewableAiPost
Discourse Akismet ReviewableAkismetPost
Discourse Akismet ReviewableAkismetPostVotingComment
Discourse Akismet ReviewableAkismetUser
Discourse Antivirus ReviewableUpload
Discourse Category Experts ReviewableCategoryExpertSuggestion
Discourse Chat ReviewableMessage
Discourse Post Voting ReviewablePostVotingComment

Last edited by @kris.kotlarek 2025-02-05T03:54:48Z

Last checked by @hugh 2025-02-05T03:43:11Z

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