Remove Images of Discourse Replies below WP Posts


Users regulary upload images to enrich their Discourse replies. Which is great content!

These images are shown in the replies below the WP Posts as well. However, they can get quite out of hand. Users do not compress images, can upload quite a lot of images and this affects loading times of the page and thus SEO negatively.

I would like to suggest to remove images below WP Posts and just show a link to the uploaded image. Or: show a link to continue reading the reply (and check out the images) in Discourse.

This way the replies just work like a textual preview of what’s to read more directly in Discourse?

Thanks for listening. I hope my suggestion is of any help to improve the Wordpress plugin. Looking forward to your reply.


For everyone interested, the amazing @joebuhlig created a plugin for us at which does this. We like to share it with the community! We hope more people can use this: