Remove (or merge) Elastic email Unsubscribe

Personal i don’t use anymore, but yes for me that was the reason

Yes I chose it because it was recommended and it sent the most email for free out of the recommended services. After discovering there is no clear way for EE to communicate bounce info to Discourse, I plan on making the switch to Mailgun.

EE should be removed from the recommended services IMO due to it not fully integrating with Discourse like the others do. Or at the very least a disclaimer should be added next to the recommendation.


Ran into this same issue over last two months and now regretting using Elastic Email without knowing this limitation.

Just created a pull request for this:


Looks like their pricing also changed completely

100/day limit

Just created a PR to remove it completely as it lost the only benefit it had:


Their paid plans aren’t widely out of line with the others listed. Those suggestions aren’t only for small communities interested in a free ride.

Would recommend updating their details to reflect the change, rather than unilaterally deciding to remove them completely.


(as mentioned on GitHub)
I understand, however as mentioned in the for-removal section and in this thread, the main issue with elastic is the double-footer (which also causes re-subscribe issues); as such I don’t think it should be considered as a recommendation (unless that issue changes).

I believe that the main reason it was kept on the list is that of the generous free plan; given the multiple integration issues.

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I’ve filed an alternate PR with the amendments I suggested. Unless @codinghorror asks it be removed all we need to do is update it as-is.


Based on the new severe restrictions to the free tier, Elastic is now sorted at the bottom in the docs, whereas it used to be at the :top: so this issue should naturally resolve itself over time.


There’s also mailjet, with up to 6000 free emails/month.

I was interested in Elastic Email because they have a non-profit partnership, and I run a forum for a non-profit.

I’m still unclear what the problem is with the unsubscribe link - can someone summarize what exactly happens if users click on that link instead of the link that Discourse adds (or if there’s no link from Discourse, as is the case with signup confirmation emails)?

UPDATE: Elastic Email can now work with Discourse admins to disable the EE unsubscribe link and manage subscriptions through Discourse.

I raised the issue with their support and received this reply:

Hi Dan,

Some of our customers are using and we are quite happy with their sending statistics. In other words, they are all legitimate businesses which we love to service.

Considering your circumstances, we will work with you and disable unsubscribe link. This way you will be able to manage subscription through

I hope that it works for you.



Dan I think the problem is that there becomes a disconnect. The data in Discourse does not reflect the fact that emails are no longer being sent and get lost in the email service’s suppression list.

You then have an annoying manual job to periodically clean those up manually in Discourse.

Also, and probably worse, they can’t simply re-activate their subscription via the Discourse interface and you somehow have to remove the suppression in the Email service.

This is great news! Thank you, I will follow up.

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That’s a problem as described above. What needs to happen, I think, is to add a webhook for mail jet so that mail jet can notify discourse when this happens. (there is a howto for mailgun and others).

Though having mall jet remove their unsubscribe links is good, it still doesn’t cover the case when an address stops working for some other reason.

I recently added a PR for postmark: Postmark bounce support? - #6 by pfaffman.

I’d imagine (but it’s not my decision) that a similar PR for ElasticEmail would also be welcome.

Their webhooks are documented here:

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I’ve just spoken to them and they have stated they intend to remove them from my emails too.

This is great!

I will add though, that one of the criteria they use seemed to be that they will help so long as all your emails are generated by Discourse (:+1:)