i’m using elastic email for delivery (from your recom.)
but i can’t remove unsubscribe link from elastic email (i think because is mandatory)
from what i read is a way to merge some how. they give this doc
how can i solve this? i this many discourse users have elastic email, maybe have also a solution.
plus i need user to unsubscribe from discourse link not from elastic link.
If you’re certain the link is being added by Elastic, you’ll need to contact Elastic for help removing the unsubscribe link. We (Discourse) can’t help with that.
Elastic Email, one of your recommended email services, will always add an unsubscribe link at the end of any mail sent through their service in order to comply with anti spam legislation. There is no way that this can be disabled, not even by contacting support.
It is clear that managing unsubscribes in a separate application (i.e. Elastic Email) is not really a great option. I think what @mmiada meant, and I would like to ask as well, is the following:
Does Discourse provide any way to disable all emails for a given user by making a http request to Discourse from an external application, with the email address of the unsubscribing user as a parameter? This would allow any unsubscribes coming from Elastic Email to disable mailing for the unsubscribing user, because Elastic Email offers this capability in their system:
As far as I understand, that would only partially solve the problem because if users re-subscribed to mails from their Discourse profile, this would fail (they’d need to resubscribe with ElasticMail). I’m not sure there is a good solution to this
@allu Is it possible to hide the address though? I don’t mind having the unsubscribe button but the address of my elasticmail account shows everytime an email is sent.
What a bummer. It really looks like you can’t send a single email through elastic email without an unsubscribe link at the bottom. (In my case, they’re also adding my address. But I haven’t investigated whether the address can be removed).
In any case, I think this should disqualify elastic email as an officially recommended email provider for discourse. It’s unusable like that. And 30 minute install wont work if you have to go back and reconfigure your email…
Well, yes. Or just edit the app.yml and rebuild (which takes time). And what takes even more time is setting up a mailgun account and setup the DNS records accordingly.
Although it’s an old subject, let me let here a solution for other people searching the answer to the question. You can change the unsubscribe link adding a merge field or the link. Something like
{unsubscribe:{unsubscribe_link}} (where unsubscribe_link is the merge field) or
{unsubscribe: http://yourdomain.com/unsusbscribe_or_something_similar/ }