Remove the <small> tags of the "Originally published at" sentence

Yes, possibly the plugin should give some options for what template is used when a post is published to Discourse. It’s possible to customize the template that is used now. Take a look at the WP Discourse template customization topic to see how it’s done.

I like the image that you linked to. It’s possible to publish posts in that format by using a template similar to the one in this post. If you change the template in that post to this, it should give you what you are looking for.

function wpdc_custom_publish_format_html() {
    This topic is to discuss the following lesson on {blogurl}<br>
	$output = ob_get_clean();
	return $output;
add_filter( 'discourse_publish_format_html', 'wpdc_custom_publish_format_html' );

You will need to select the Use Full Post Content option on the WP Discourse publishing options tab, and unselect the embed_truncate setting on Discourse for this to work.