Replied to plain text email has missing string

very latest discourse: Just got a “reply” to a pm, html body is fine, text has:

translation missing: en.user_notifications.user_replied_pm.text_body_template

I need more information :stuck_out_tongue: Mind sharing what you did?

I have a private message (non group) with another user. That user replied this morning on that same thread and I got an email notification from that. Unfortunately the mail contains some confidential info so I can’t make a picture of it but it looks like:

January 19

Thanx Carlo.

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It’s a multipart email, the html part is perfectly fine, the plain text part isn’t:

Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

translation missing: en.user_notifications.user_replied_pm.text_body_template
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Content-Type: text/html;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit



  <table style="margin-bottom:25px;" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
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Thanks. I guess nobody ever looked at the text/plain version of these email notifications :sweat_smile: